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Foundation & Technology SD - Face-to-Face May 17, 2010

Meeting Information

Meeting at WGM in Rio -- 7:00-8:30 PM Room: Segovia I


  • Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS)
  • Implementation/Conformance (IC)
  • Infrastructure & Messaging (InM)
  • RIM-Based Application Architecture (RIMBAA)
  • Modeling & Methodology (MnM)
  • Security
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Templates
  • Vocabulary (Vocab)


Walker (Chair), Beeler [MnM] (Secy), Mulrooney [SOA], Wrightson [SOA], Hendler [RIMBAA], Blobel [Security], Julian [InM], Laakso [HQ], Oemig [IC], Snelick [IC], Hamm [Vocab], Spronk [RIMBAA], Klein [Vocab], Knapp [ITS], Knight [Vocab], Shafarman [Templates], Duteau [MnM], Grieve [MnM], McKenzie [MnM]

100% of member Work Groups represented.

Agenda - Actions

Approve Minutes of May 4, 2010 & Accept Agenda

Approved by acclamation.

Glossary Project

Discussion of Glossary project and its status and ramifications within HL7

  • Noted that the TSC is expecting a project scope statement, because the project requires effort within the HL7 community
  • Initial project scope statement was considered in FnTSD Meeting on February 2 .
    • The review:
      • posed questions that might be addressed within the project scope statement;
      • suggested that V3 Publishing Work Group be added as a co-sponsor; and
      • suggested that Project & Support Services SD should also review this.
    • It is unclear that these minutes were noted to the proponents. Knight agreed to follow up on the scope statement within Vocabulary.
  • Noted that Publishing Work Group intends to merge the "green sheets" glossary with the V3 glossary and continue to maintain these using the XML documentation and publishing tools already in use for V3 Glossary.
  • Agreed that V3 Publishing needs to document (propose) a process for managing the "global" glossary content, including changes, additions and deletions from same.
  • Noted that glossary entries and listings can be included with documents such as "Core Principles" and the explanatory text that surrounds Vocabulary Publishing. Beeler agreed to facilitate this.

Vocabulary WG re: SNOMED License for HL7

IHTSDO Requires that organizations like HL7 must have a SNOMED license in order to qualify as an "affiliate" to IHTSDO which would allow it to propose SNOMED extensions. Vocabulary has passed a resolution seeking FnTSD support for an action for HL7 to acquire such status and license.

After discussion the consensus was to recommend that a license be provided and send this recommendation to the FnTSD. The latter will then ask the TSC if it wishes to play a role in this action or simply wants Vocabulary Work Group to advance this request to the ORC.

Possible Role of "Conformance Facilitator"

Implementation and Conformance suggested that a role of "Conformance Facilitator" might be a key role in linking IC to those Work Groups that are creating conformance-related or conformance-dependent specifications.

In discussion it was noted that Facilitators are usually a role to perform some function (publishing, modeling, etc.) and that perhaps the term "Liaison" was more appropriate. It was further noted that the requirement for such a role was dependent upon a particular Work Group being involved in producing "implementation" guides, and so on.

Forthcoming IHE Document Review

Ted Klein noted that there is a forthcoming IHE document related to managing terminology/vocabulary content that will be offered for review. Other WGs may wish to consider participating in that review.

Adjourned at 8:15 PM

Agenda items

Action Item List

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