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Meeting Admin
- Roll Call
- Dave Hamill, Lynn Laakso, Rick Haddorf, Freida Hall, Nancy Wilson-Ramon, Helen Stevens-Love, John Ritter, Ken McCaslin
- - Not an offical meeting because there were only 1 voting WG members present (Project Services) and could not make quorum.
- TSC Report
- Kicked off work for the Innovations Work Group. Ken Lunn and Linda Fischetti, Jill Kaufman, Charlie McCay are leading the WG. The group will encourage innovation in the way HL7 does business and outreach as opposed to innovation in the product. They will have a big working session and open forum, entertain suggestions from other groups. This will occur in Phoenix. They do have a mission/charter. Some Work Groups have innovative leaders whom have a lot of innovative suggestions; this Work Group will allow innovations to be considered without interrupting a Work Group’s progress on their focus of their Work Group.
- The Innovations WG would like to have a Facebook presence. Karen Van and Andrea Ribick are currently working on this initiative.
- ES WG’s Online Presence project was approved by the TSC. Lynn will lead this project and will reach out for team members between now and the 2010 Jan WGM. Helen noted that the PSS indicated some project team members haven’t confirmed their participation, but in reality they have.
- Steering Division Reports
- Electronic Services
- No update to report. ES WG did not meet.
- International Mentoring
- Doug Delpree and Gora are headed to the Philippines to bring corporations/universities together in the Philippines. The next step is to have an HL7 event in the Philippines.
- Process Improvement
- No update; have not met since last T3SD.
- Project Services
- Project Scope Statement 2010 - Proposal - Dave to email on 12/7 @ 9am ET final draft
- Dave reviewed his changes to the Help and FAQ sections of the PSS Template. For voting purposes, quorum wasn’t met. Dave to solicit input this week, and request an electronic vote next week, then bring to the TSC on 12/21/2009. Helen will investigate the evote procedure.
- Lynn posted PS WG’s updated mission/charter statement.
- January 2010 WGM Planning
- SD 3 year plan
- SD SWOT analysis
- Ken is working on both. Helen and Ken will review next week and hope to present to the T3SD on the 12/21/2009 call.
- 12/21/2009 T3SD Call – proceed with call? Yes.
- Action Items
- Helen to follow up with Andy Stechinson regarding minutes from the 11/23/2009 T3SD meeting.
- Dave – Accept all Formatting revisions on the PSS and resend the document to the T3SD listserv. Remind the T3SD members throughout the week to review the changes.
- Dave to solicit input this week, and request an electronic vote next week.
- Helen will investigate the e-vote procedure for the PSS template vote.