T3SD ConCall-20090205

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Every other Thursday Beginning 5 February, at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time:
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Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 226122#


  1. Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call
      • Jane Curry, Dave Hamill, Abdul Malik Shakir, Woody Beeler, Helen Stevens Love
    2. Accept Agenda
    3. Approve meeting minutes from WGM
      • defer - Helen to check when/if sent out.
  2. Reports
    1. TSC meeting Report (Helen)
      • Main focus on the SAEF rollout project planning and TSC organizational issues.
      • Other approvals of scope/ project request.
    2. ArB Update (Jane)
      • ArB has been updateing aspects of the SAEF document. Split the document into chapters that can be authored and managed separately. Chapters include Introduction, Conformance Layers, Governance and Behavoiral Framework. Current focus is on the Conformance Layers chapter - work is being coordinated with OHT architecture group. Information is available on ArB and OHT wikis.
    3. Editoral Review Board update (Dick/Ginny)
      • This project seems to be lost - the Editors are still working with Publishing, M&M etc. There has been no acitivy and Ginny reported at the WGM that there has been no meetings/engagement for her to report.
      • ACTION Helen/Ken to take back to TSC to determine status/role of this group and alignment with other activities.
  3. Updates from WG regarding Kyoto meeting -
  4. Update on Project Scope statement (Dave/Freida)
  5. Update regarding ARB position on backward compatibility (AMS)
  6. Update from ES Regarding co-chair elections (Ken)
  7. Roadmap Update (Ken)
  8. Should revised Project Scope Stmts go through SD/TSC approval? (Pjt Services WG GForge Tracker 880)(Dave)
  9. Tooling Inventory duplication between Tooling and ES. (Jane)
    1. Which group has responsibility for which documents?
  10. Education Committee - considering e-learning as a separate group (AMS)
  11. Recomended strategies from Publishing to go to TSC (Woody)
  12. (10 min) New Business