2017-11-20 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2017-11-20
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
Regrets Ken McCaslin x Tony Julian x Jean Duteau x Freida Hall, GOM Expert
x Wayne Kubick Regrets Lorraine Constable x Giorgio Cangioli .
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Melva Peters . Russ Hamm x Calvin Beebe x Andy Stechishin
x John Roberts x Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler Regrets Sandra Stuart
x Floyd Eisenberg, Co-chair Elect . x Mary Kay McDaniel, Co-chair Elect .
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 x Anne Wizauer
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 .

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  1. Housekeeping
    1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    2. Agenda review and approval -
    3. Approve Minutes of 2017-11-13 TSC Call Agenda
  2. Review action items
    1. Lorraine to draft language around the application of changes before re-balloting content
    2. All: Review Austin's draft on normative reconciliation (sent to TSC Admins listserv)
    3. Austin will add further explanation to edits to 2.14 of the Essential Requirements for 2017-11-27 call
    4. Common Clinical Registry Framework Publication Request: DESD to ask the CIC WG to remove the materials from Google docs and move to an HL7 website for publishing, and update and reissue the publication request
    5. EST to review expired STUs not appearing on STU page as they do on the main standards grid.
    6. EST to evaluate comment collection mechanisms for withdrawals
  3. Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
    1. Normative Publication Request by the BR&R WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Structured Product Labeling Release 8 at Project Insight 1314 and TSC Tracker 14176
      • Referred by DESD:
        • The ballot site lists the votes as Affirmative 46, Negative 0, Abstentions 66, No Vote/Return 15, Total In Pool 71, Needed for Approval 35 (green=approved). This is different than what is reflected on the publication request.
        • The narrative blocks following Description are all empty, as is the Reviewed by and Date information.
    2. Informative Publication Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for HL7 EHRS-FM Release 2 Functional Profile: Child Health Functional Profile Release 1; Developmental Screening and Reporting Services Derived Profile, Release 1 - US Realm at Project Insight 1163 and TSC Tracker 14177
    3. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Care Record Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1356 and TSC Tracker 14186
      • Referred by DESD:
        • This is a V3 standard and the Data Type in Blocks 3.j is marked both Yes and No.
    4. Project Approval Request by the CDS and CQI WGs for HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: CDS Hooks, Release 1 at Project Insight 1234 and TSC Tracker 13661
      • Referred by DESD:
        • The project appears to have two sponsors (block 2.a) and two co-sponsors sharing a block (2.b).
        • The project schedule in block 3.e. has dates in the past.
  4. Approval items from last week's e-vote (need two more votes for quorum):
    1. Updated Project Approval Request by the Public Health WG of the DESD for Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Immunizations FHIR Implementation Guide at Project Insight 1342 and TSC Tracker 14135
    2. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Care Transfer Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1354 and TSC Tracker 14185
    3. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Domain Information Model, Release 1 at Project Insight 1357 and TSC Tracker 14184
    4. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision; Queries Care Record Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1355 and TSC Tracker 14182
    5. Project Approval Request by the Structured Docs WG of the SSD-SD for C-CDA Scorecard Rubric at Project Insight 1375 and TSC Tracker 14180
    6. Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD for Harmonization of Health Quality Information Models - FHIR at Project Insight 1125 and TSC Tracker 14159
  5. Approval items for this week:
    1. TBD
  6. Discussion topics:
    1. Review of new DMP templates - Freida
    2. Further discussion on Product Life Cycle Management Strategy from SGB
    3. Revised SGB Mission and Charter and boilerplate Mission and Charter - Paul/Austin
    4. Recommendation from PLA that Structured Documents be the lead Methodology Group for the CDA Product Family
    5. Recommendation from SGB that Structured Docs be given through the end of the 2018Sep WGM to replace Brett Marquard who has taken on the co-chair role of the CDAMG
    6. V2 Management issue from PLA - Austin
    7. Draft definition of Retired Standard for product grid
  7. Open Issues List/Parking Lot
    1. Essentialism - will review on 2017-12-04 call
    2. HL7 Product Categories - will review on 2017-12-04 call
    3. January Agenda:
      • ARB GOM change


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    2. Agenda review and approval -
    3. Approve Minutes of 2017-11-13 TSC Call Agenda
      • Minutes approved via general consent
  2. Review action items
    1. Lorraine to draft language around the application of changes before re-balloting content
      • Move forward
    2. All: Review Austin's draft on normative reconciliation (sent to TSC Admins listserv)
      • Move forward to 2017-12-04 call
    3. Austin will add further explanation to edits to 2.14 of the Essential Requirements for 2017-11-27 call
      • Move forward to 2017-12-04 call
        • ACTION: Anne to ask Karen about availability to attend that call
    4. Common Clinical Registry Framework Publication Request: DESD to ask the CIC WG to remove the materials from Google docs and move to an HL7 website for publishing, and update and reissue the publication request
      • MOTION to approve once the link is appropriate: John/Freida
      • VOTE: All in favor
    5. EST to review expired STUs not appearing on STU page as they do on the main standards grid.
      • Move forward
    6. EST to evaluate comment collection mechanisms for withdrawals
      • Discussion over whether the 30 day review is appropriate for all types of withdrawals, such as non-normative documents that we haven't notified ANSI about or things that haven't been published. Maybe a week or two weeks is sufficient. Austin: We should review the results of the pilot at the January WGM and decide how to adjust the policy.
        • ACTION: Anne to add to January agenda on Saturday
  3. Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
    1. Normative Publication Request by the BR&R WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Structured Product Labeling Release 8 at Project Insight 1314 and TSC Tracker 14176
      • Referred by DESD:
        • The ballot site lists the votes as Affirmative 46, Negative 0, Abstentions 66, No Vote/Return 15, Total In Pool 71, Needed for Approval 35 (green=approved). This is different than what is reflected on the publication request.
        • The narrative blocks following Description are all empty, as is the Reviewed by and Date information.
          • Anne has notified.
    2. Informative Publication Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for HL7 EHRS-FM Release 2 Functional Profile: Child Health Functional Profile Release 1; Developmental Screening and Reporting Services Derived Profile, Release 1 - US Realm at Project Insight 1163 and TSC Tracker 14177
        • MOTION to approve: Freida/Paul
        • VOTE: All in favor
    1. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Care Record Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1356 and TSC Tracker 14186
      • Referred by DESD:
        • This is a V3 standard and the Data Type in Blocks 3.j is marked both Yes and No.
    2. Project Approval Request by the CDS and CQI WGs for HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: CDS Hooks, Release 1 at Project Insight 1234 and TSC Tracker 13661
      • Referred by DESD:
        • The project appears to have two sponsors (block 2.a) and two co-sponsors sharing a block (2.b).
        • The project schedule in block 3.e. has dates in the past.
          • Floyd: There is prior work, and this is an update. The future dates are noted, but the past dates weren't removed. TSC had approved two sponsors on this PSS but this was the last one before the PSS update to note that there can only be one sponsor. Name of PSS was changed to CDS Hooks; want to go back to original name. CQI wants to go back to FHIR-based Clinical Framework: CQF on FHIR for the project name. FMG had suggested the name change. Freida notes that when something ballots under another name, the names should sync. The project facilitator should be taking the changes back. Bryn is the project facilitator. Andy notes that often, project facilitators aren't following process.
            • ACTION: Anne to research how name change happened
            • ACTION: Anne to add facilitator responsibility issues to January agenda
            • ACTION: Floyd to check with Bryn on how the name change happened
            • ACTION: When updated name is decided upon, Anne will send it back through e-vote.
  4. Approval items from last week's e-vote (need two more votes for quorum):
    1. Updated Project Approval Request by the Public Health WG of the DESD for Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Immunizations FHIR Implementation Guide at Project Insight 1342 and TSC Tracker 14135
    2. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Care Transfer Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1354 and TSC Tracker 14185
    3. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision Domain Information Model, Release 1 at Project Insight 1357 and TSC Tracker 14184
    4. Project Approval Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision; Queries Care Record Topic, Release 1 at Project Insight 1355 and TSC Tracker 14182
    5. Project Approval Request by the Structured Docs WG of the SSD-SD for C-CDA Scorecard Rubric at Project Insight 1375 and TSC Tracker 14180
    6. Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD for Harmonization of Health Quality Information Models - FHIR at Project Insight 1125 and TSC Tracker 14159
      • FTSD, Giorgio, Jean add affirmative votes, which makes quorum. All items approved.
  5. Approval items for this week:
    1. TBD
  6. Discussion topics:
    1. Review of new DMP templates - Freida
      • Default DMP
      • DMP Modification Template
        • Premise is that we'll now have a default that is not customizable; but if you need to make changes in limited items, you do that using the modification template (issues like quorum, e-vote, etc.). Modified templates would be sent to TSC for approval. Wayne: Not sure green highlighting is necessary. Discussion over what will get published. Will we publish the default AND the modification? Or is the modification one the entire DMP? Freida: No, the modification is only the areas that can be changed. Wayne: There should be a link to the default and the modifications published on the documents page. Does every WG have to fill out a modification? If not, then we only publish when someone does have a change and they only post the template. Austin: Need to make sure that we make it clear that it's not just WGs that need to do this - it's SDs, management groups, TSC, etc. Need to see if the templates are applicable to the other types of groups.
          • ACTION: All to review both documents again on e-vote for week of 2017-11-27 with eye to if they are applicable to other types of groups
    2. Further discussion on Product Life Cycle Management Strategy from SGB
    3. Revised SGB Mission and Charter and boilerplate Mission and Charter - Paul/Austin
    1. Recommendation from PLA that Structured Documents be the lead Methodology Group for the CDA Product Family
    2. Recommendation from SGB that Structured Docs be given through the end of the 2018Sep WGM to replace Brett Marquard who has taken on the co-chair role of the CDAMG
    3. V2 Management issue from PLA - Austin
      • Not enough people remain to be a viable management group. Austin proposes making an announcement the cochair dinner notifying them that we will be seeking volunteers to serve on a V2 management group. If unable to recruit enough folks then we've got to acknowledge the fact that V2 is winding down and deformalize it as a product family. Tony: We could handle it as we do Arden Syntax. Wayne: There's also a V2 tooling group that Hans is leading - they need to understand this as well. Group agrees that this is a good approach. Andy: We may need to discuss if groups should be balloting new versions of a standard if they don't have a management group. People are pushing changes to V2; people need to know that if they want to do that, they need to participate in a management group. Austin: We also need to address products without formal product management groups.
    4. Austin asks people to put forward agenda topics for January WGM to Austin, Ken, Wayne, and Anne, and if they see a need for team building. Jean states that we have mostly the same group and we probably don't.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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