2013-10-28 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 273-848-837

Date: 2013-10-28
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Austin Kreisler x Tony Julian x Jean Duteau x Ken McCaslin
regrets John Quinn regrets Lorraine Constable . . Giorgio Cangioli
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
regrets Melva Peters regrets Woody Beeler x Calvin Beebe x Freida Hall
x Mead Walker x Paul Knapp x Pat van Dyke regrets Andy Stechishin
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Don Mon (HL7 Chair) w/vote . John Roberts x Brian Pech x Lynn Laakso
. Bob Dolin (Vice Chair) vote . . . obs2 .
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . .



  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2013-10-21 TSC Call Agenda


  1. Discussion topics:
    • Organize a cross product family task force to identify a consistent conceptual solution for UDI (and potentially other GS1 identifiers).
    • Mission and Charter template reference to SAIF CD and IG - see II M&C and OO M&C abbreviated language
    • FHIR Governance (Parker)
    • Raising the Bar - New Work Group Health metrics:
      • Posting Agendas in advance of WGM
      • Submitting meeting room requests by the deadline.


  1. Review action items
    • Woody will suggest the amended FGB M&C be brought along with recommendations for the new positions.
    • Lynn will contact list of projects >5 years old for PSS update. See projects > 5 years old
  2. Approvals for this week:
  3. Approvals by e-vote this past week:
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • ArB BAM-lite progress and BAM task force (first draft BAM-lite due Oct 22)
    • FGB/FMG updates?
    • TRAC
    • US Realm Task Force
    • Announcement: FTSD has approved an interim co-chair to replace Tony - welcome Paul Knapp and congratulations!
    • Announcement: FTSD has approved an updated M&C for RIMBAA changing their name to Application Implementation and Design (AID)- congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for II -congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for OO -congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for CS -congratulations!
    • Announcement: DESD has approved an updated M&C for Health Care Devices (DEV) -congratulations!
  5. Open Issues List


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
convened at 11:04 AM

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) Brian observing, Paul welcomed
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler; approved by general consent
  3. Approve Minutes of 2013-10-21 TSC Call Agenda Paul abstains; approved 5/0/1


  1. Discussion topics:
    • Organize a cross product family task force to identify a consistent conceptual solution for UDI (and potentially other GS1 identifiers).
      • Do we need this? Some traffic on UDI in FHIR, 2.x, and V3. Considerations discussed on task force versus project sponsored by TSC with participation from publishing process; Austin felt it needed to be a harmonization proposal. Mead suggests delegation, e.g. MnM. Austin feels MnM doesn't cover the 2.x space. Timeliness, MnM development of proposals they also are responsible for approving at harmonization, pending OO V2.x and FHIR proposals, negative comment re: UDI in CCDA etc. Motion: Create Task force led by TSC member, FMG representative, V2.x, V3 and CDA moved by Paul, seconded by Pat. Vote: unanimously approved. Paul volunteers to head the task force.
    • Mission and Charter template reference to SAIF CD and IG - see II M&C and OO M&C abbreviated language.
      • Jean clarifies that the WGs don't really know what that language means. He wasn't readily able to find the SAIF CD material. Mead reports DESD had the same question. Tony reports that more education is needed. A new webinar recording will soon be available as well. Mead suggests some concrete examples. Austin notes that TSC is using the separation concerns in governance, management and methodology. SAIF BF is being exercised by OO and other projects but no practical usage guide yet exists. Keith's exposition of SDWG efforts on the ECCF matrix at the 2013Sep WGM was another example.
      • Development of the IG however has stalled. Lack of completion of Artifact definition as precursor activity has prevented further work.
      • Need to redouble efforts to educate, especially to WGs for what that statement means. ArB will work on tutorial for 2014Jan. Review again in San Antonio and decide how to update the M&C template.
    • FHIR Governance (Parker) - postponed
    • Raising the Bar - New Work Group Health metrics:
      • Since the WGs have hit a perfect score on some of these metrics, we might consider new ones
      • Posting Agendas in advance of WGM - might make Lynn's job easier to require them to send her the links instead of her going out to look for them. Agendas posted in advance are also part of the Strategic Initiatives' WGM Effectiveness measures. Calvin clarifies that the wiki posting of agendas is sufficient. Others may do Word or Excel documents, use GForge, or the web site. They key is that wherever they are posted to communicate that link to Lynn before a deadline. Freida notes that DMP suggests they be finalized two weeks prior to WGM.
      • Submitting meeting room requests by the deadline. There is a project for making room requests electronic pending by ES. Ironing out scheduling for joint sessions is usually problematic.
      • Mead would like to see meeting references under the hl7.org web site under the work group, and meetings. Ken cautions they need a warning; Austin notes we wouldn't put it into place for another cycle. Freida notes at the events page there is a link to the agendas "WGM Information". Mead acknowledges is perhaps we need a bigger highlight in bold. Austin suggests we refer to TRAC to suggest a metric. Lynn suggests we look at replacing existing metrics or changing the key.


  1. Review action items
    • Woody will suggest the amended FGB M&C be brought along with recommendations for the new positions.
    • Lynn will contact list of projects >5 years old for PSS update. See projects > 5 years old - Lynn has done this and generated some responses. Seek an update next week.
  2. Approvals for this week: send others to e-vote.
  3. Approvals by e-vote this past week: approved 5/0/0 with 2 Aff, DESD, FTSD, and T3SD voting. Freida reminds the TSC that we be careful about approving projects that identify out of cycle ballots at project initiation. Jean asks about addressing this behavior with the sponsors and discussion ensued.
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • Announcement: the change in the ballot signup period, now closing when the ballots open. Ballots open December 13, ballot signup closes end of day December 12. This needs to be announced to the membership. Austin will work with Don and Karen on announcement from another source instead of Don. Ken recommends John (CTO) or Austin (TSC Chair).
    • Announcement: FTSD has approved an interim co-chair to replace Tony - welcome Paul Knapp and congratulations!
    • Announcement: FTSD has approved an updated M&C for RIMBAA changing their name to Application Implementation and Design (AID)- congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for II -congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for OO -congratulations!
    • Announcement: SSD SD has approved an updated M&C for CS -congratulations!
    • Announcement: DESD has approved an updated M&C for Health Care Devices (DEV) -congratulations!

Adjourned 12:01 PM.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
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