2013-05-27 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

Standing Conference Calls

TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 273-848-837

Date: 2013-05-27
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s):
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
. Austin Kreisler . Ron Parker . Ravi Natarajan .
. John Quinn . Lorraine Constable . Jean Duteau
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
. Melva Peters . Woody Beeler . Calvin Beebe regrets Freida Hall
. Mead Walker regrets Tony Julian . Pat van Dyke . Andy Stechishin
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Don Mon (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 regrets Lynn Laakso
. Bob Dolin (Vice Chair) vote . . . obs2 .
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . .



  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2013-05-20 TSC Call Agenda


  1. Approval items:
  2. Discussion topics:


  1. Review action items
    • Ballot quality - ACTION ITEM: set up a conference call to review plans for:
      • "Rochester group" will mine ballots/reconciliations across multiple types of ballots (group of 2.x IG, CDA IG, V3 standard, DAM, EHR FP , the EHR-S FM and a Service (e.g. RLUS)) to just see if there are statistics that can be identified.
      • Mead, Austin and Jean will review the same six with subjective Likert scale (5 point score) on what their quality is. Austin signs up for the subjective group, as does Mead and Jean.
    • ANSI/GOM Task Force to develop detailed TSC recommendation of a GOM change to remove closed ballot pools, and all pools remain open- this does not apply to recirculation ballots. Pick this up on May 28th.
    • Pat will draft a PSS and have Calvin review it to work with Electronic Services to extend the dstucomments site functionality to normative and informative standards as well as the DSTUs but excluding comment-only. see TSC Tracker 2633.
    • Andy will address with Don the NIB form change to include a spot to identify CMETs. Don on vacation for two weeks; revisit later.
    • TRAC needs to revisit scope and deliverables PI# 901 Risk Assessment and Governance for HL7 Architecture Program project for ongoing work. Meeting this week 10 am EDT
    • Melva volunteers to refine the list of draft metrics for mid-tier governance and management group health for clearer wording, or specialized versions for steering divisions as compared to non-overseer group; International Council has chosen not to participate at this time. Need to refine metrics for governance groups, "overseer" synonym consideration, versus groups that don't govern anything.
    • everyone: suggest constructive ways to address improving awareness of architectural rules, precepts and structures via email. Need to address context of this action item.
    • Need to get the intent from CGIT of what is intended by the conformance facilitator role. See conformance facilitator wiki page Filling roles defined on PSS is increasingly challenging. Assign to FTSD co-chairs
  2. Approval items: for e-vote next week
  3. Approval items: from e-vote this week: 6/0/0 with 2 Affiliate, SSD, DESD, T3SD, FTSD voting
  4. Discussion topics:
    • 3 year plan review,
    • update on IHE balloting
    • BAM status.
  5. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • No TRAC call, resumes 5/29
    • No ANSI/GOM Task Force call, resumes 5/28
  6. Open Issues List


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Please don't forget to hang up from the conference call (VOIP users)

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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