2013-04-08 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 273-848-837

Date: 2013-04-08
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Austin Kreisler x Ron Parker x Ravi Natarajan .
x John Quinn . Lorraine Constable x Jean Duteau
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Melva Peters x Woody Beeler regrets Calvin Beebe x Freida Hall
. Mead Walker x Tony Julian x Pat van Dyke x Andy Stechishin
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Don Mon (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 x Lynn Laakso
. Bob Dolin (Vice Chair) vote . . . obs2 .
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . .



  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2013-04-01 TSC Call Agenda


  1. Approval items:
  2. Discussion topics:
    • Update on Board motion for Machine Processable Artifacts
    • Update on HL7 Terminology Authority Board Proposal


  1. Review action items
    • #2400 Consolidation of approaches for submitting enhancement requests - (last update: revisit after illumination from the board on the plans for a help desk)
    • organize SAIF AP vitality assessment pre-kickoff call (Ron)
    • Austin, Charlie and Calvin will work offline to draft the precise measurement of a new metric around WGH regarding cochairs;
    • Jean will establish and schedule the ANSI/GOM Review Task force, with Freida, Pat and Calvin -
    • Charlie will review FP definition using terms such as the ArB recommendation for a DAM.
    • Austin and Woody will draft language for a recommendation on consideration of HTTP compliance to US conformance criteria on EHRs for character set display.
    • Jean will work with Dave on what the number of cycles for the rolling average on which the WGM Effectiveness improvement threshold is measured.
  2. Approval items:
  3. Discussion topics:
    • Standing committee/task force updates (TRAC, ANSI Audit, Activities with Other SDO's)
    • Identify replacements for Charlie on the following: TRAC, ORC
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • Atlanta Draft Agenda Topics:
      • Governance - HL7 Vitality Process (Parker) [30 minutes]
      • Management - BAM Skills & Roles (Parker) [?]
      • Governance - Requirements Traceability (?) [?]
      • Management - Status updates on TRAC, ANSI audit review task force, action items
      • Governance - Periodic review of Work Group Health metrics (aka do we drop or modify the Harmonization participation metric?)
  5. Open Issues List


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
convened at 11:04 am

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) none identified themselves
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler; add DSTUs for Governance discussion. Approved by general consent
  3. Approve Minutes of 2013-04-01 TSC Call Agenda; Ravi abstains; passes 7/0/1.


  1. Discussion topics:
    • Update on Board motion for Machine Processable Artifacts
      • Product line focus/approach on machine processable artifacts approved by the Board. TSC to work with Marketing committee to clarify. BAM will need to indicate the point at which the Marketing committee gets engaged with the definition of the product line.
    • Update on HL7 Terminology Authority Board Proposal
      • Jim Case was unable to join the call and questions raised caused its approval to be deferred to Atlanta. Many questions revolved around how its authority would coordinate with a US Realm terminology authority.
    • Feedback on IP release last week - Board emergency meeting on Friday determined DSTU will also be available to non-members after a delay.


  1. Review action items – please review the
    • #2400 Consolidation of approaches for submitting enhancement requests - (last update: revisit after illumination from the board on the plans for a help desk)
    • organize SAIF AP vitality assessment pre-kickoff call (Ron) completed.
    • Austin, Charlie and Calvin will work offline to draft the precise measurement of a new metric around WGH regarding cochairs; subsumed into the mid level governance health metrics.
    • Jean will establish and schedule the ANSI/GOM Review Task force, with Freida, Pat and Calvin - he'll be putting out a Doodle poll. Freida sent out something for GOM review out for peer review since March 22.
    • Charlie will review FP definition using terms such as the ArB recommendation for a DAM. With Charlie's withdrawal, this goes to general ArB assignment.
    • Austin and Woody will draft language for a recommendation on consideration of HTTP compliance to US conformance criteria on EHRs for character set display.
    • Jean will work with Dave on what the number of cycles for the rolling average on which the WGM Effectiveness improvement threshold is measured. Jean and Dave met once but need to revisit.
  2. Approval items:
  3. Discussion topics:
    • Standing committee/task force updates (TRAC, ANSI Audit, Activities with Other SDO's) #**TRAC changing to Wednesdays 10 AM ET with Rick Haddorff joining. Goal is to get through remainder of identified critical items before May WGM and create advise. Need new "governance specialist" from ArB. ArB plans to augment their current participation.
      • Activities with Other SDOs needs to send an email to all lists to solicit volunteer panelists on communication strategies. Austin will work with Lynn to send.
    • Identify replacements for Charlie on the following: TRAC, ORC - volunteers sought. Melva would serve if the additional Canadian influence is not unwelcome. Approved by general consent.
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  5. WGM Planning
    • Atlanta Draft Agenda Topics:
      • Governance - HL7 Vitality Process (Parker) [30 minutes] SAIF AP ran through the process and found it easily applicable, and useful.
      • Management - BAM Skills & Roles (Parker) (Sunday evening)
      • Governance - Requirements Traceability (?)
      • Management - Status updates on TRAC, ANSI audit review task force, action items
      • Governance - Periodic review of Work Group Health metrics (aka do we drop or modify the Harmonization participation metric?)
      • lunch session is scheduled for Wednesday - the Board meeting extension is continuing on a trial basis on Tuesdays. Austin will continue to invite cochairs of the WG's in the red to the session to explain. Meeting minutes categorized on the wiki may not be visible if you are not logged in to the wiki (e.g. MnM).

Adjourned 11:44 AM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Austin will work with Lynn to send an email to all lists to solicit volunteer panelists on communication strategies.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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