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=Meeting Minutes =
=Meeting Minutes =
Technical Support Services - SD Meeting Notes
1. Attendees:
Voting: Helen, Frieda, Jane C, Ken, Jane F/Woody,
Non-voting: Joanne Larson, June, Dave, Scott Robinson, Eric Hanington
# Approve meeting minutes  
# Approve meeting minutes  
## Approve meeting minutes 28 February  
## Approve meeting minutes 28 February  

Revision as of 16:04, 14 March 2008

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2nd and 4th Thursday, at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time:
Click for GoToMeeting (ID:647-296-076) Support
Use HL7 Conference Call service
Phone Number: 702-894-2444
Participant Passcode: 8181044#


  1. (5 min) Meeting Admin
  2. Approve meeting minutes
    1. Approve meeting minutes 28 February
  3. TSC meeting update
  4. V2.7 as DSTU - [1]
  5. Project Life Cycle and Approval Documents from Project Services
  6. TSC Assigned Tasks
    1. Updates
      1. TSC task 330 - Document how projects and publishing calendars fit together - Woody
      2. TSC task 323 - Determine/recommend the tools to be used across the organization - Jane C.
    2. Tasks to be assigne
      1. TSC task 329 - Define owner of HL7 Glossary
      2. TSC task 321 - Define Appropriate Home/Role for Involvement Task Force
  7. (10 min) New Business


  • Ken McCaslin Chair/Scribe
  • Helen Stevens Love co-chair
  • Woody Beeler V3-Publishing
  • Jane Curry - Tooling
  • Dave Hamill - HL7 HQ/PMO
  • Frieda Hall - PSC
  • Patrick Loyd - Electronic Services
  • June Rosploch - PIC

Meeting Minutes

  1. Approve meeting minutes
    1. Approve meeting minutes 28 February
    2. Move Helen, Second Woody – Unanimous
  2. TSC meeting update
    1. Unfortunately Helen was not able to attend last TSC call and Ken did not take adequate notes. The official Minutes from last TSC are also not yet posted on the Wiki
      1. Reviewed where to get to the minutes and agendas.
      2. Ken will provide more detailed update on next call
    2. ArB Report – usually focuses on issues assigned from the TSC
    3. SD needs to send out status report and any motion requests in advance of TSC meetings.
  1. V2.7 as DSTU - [1]
    1. When SITF made recommendations to Board there was a decision to ballot V2 items as DSTU. This was not well communicated. This was, unfortunately a surprise to the V2 Publishing co-chairs – and they have concerns. The board approved the STIF report in its entirety (with some line item adjustments) – this was posted.
      1. Woody: Feels SITF went too far with DSTU mandate making it uniform across the board. Will unnecessarily add a year’s delay to any publication.
      2. Jane/Helen: How could you even get an implementation of the entire 2.7 – how much is enough?
      3. Woody: This was a Board decision – TSC did not entertain motion, just agreed with board decision with limited discussion.
      4. Ken: Klaus feels this was not well communicated – but since he was a member of the STIF, Ken does not agree.
    2. Ken Question: What can the SD request of the TSC? Can the TSC override the board decision?
      1. Jane F: Concerned because Publishing is trying to publish more quickly to meet user needs – and this is going to delay. Email from Charlie McCay – he wants SD to review the issue and make recommendation to TSC. If SD says it does not recommend it – then TSC will revisit decision.
    3. MOTION: The requirement for DSTU, while appropriate for new specifications, is not appropriate for maintenance ballots. The SD/TSC should recommend to the board that maintenance of existing documents not be required to do DSTU.
      1. Move Woody, Second Jane F.
      2. Discussion:
        1. Frieda: Clarification that the intent was originally to produce normative standards that has been tested – but there are mis-understandings regarding the intent of the DSTU decision.
        2. Discussion regarding override process and authority.
    • Joanne: What about if there is a ‘brand new message’ as part of the 2.7? Will this be considered maintenance?
        1. Woody: will be considered maintenance – because it is not increase in scope, just adjustment to existing scope.
        2. Woody: DSTU can’t be mandated as standard in some countries. DSTU must have minimum 12-24 month trial period. Adds 18 month delay into approval cycle. Don’t believe it is necessary for 2.7.
        3. Vote Call - Abstain: Frieda. Favor: 3
  1. Review project services documents (as distributed 2008/03/13)
    1. Documents will be posted with minutes to the SD Wiki and G-Forge.
    2. Frieda walked the group through the documents and revisions and answered questions.
    3. Project Approval Process Under the New TSC V1.2– Revised March 2008
      1. MOTION: To accept the document as displayed.
        1. Move: Frieda, Second: Woody. Unanimous.
    4. Scope Statement Document V1.2.9
      1. Substantive change made in Sponsoring Groups section to clarify that Implementers are only mandatory for DSTU processes.
      2. MOTION: To accept the document with change to Sponsoring Groups and other minor edits dicsused.
      3. Move: Frieda, Second: Helen. Unanimous.
    5. Frieda to update documents and distribute to Ken.
      1. Ken to distribute to TSC for approval
  2. TSC Assigned Tasks
    1. Updates
      1. TSC task 330 - Document how projects and publishing calendars fit together – Woody.
        1. To be done by April 14th.
    2. Tasks to be assigned
      1. TSC task 329 - Define owner of HL7 Glossary
        1. Jane C noted that this is also on the ArB list – Jane to clarify with ArB.
      2. TSC task 321 - Define Appropriate Home/Role for Involvement Task Force
  3. (10 min) New Business
  4. Next Meeting Agenda Items
    1. Approval of DMP
    2. TSC task 329 - Define owner of HL7 Glossary
    3. TSC task 321 - Define Appropriate Home/Role for Involvement Task Force
    4. TSC Task 329 - Define owner of HL7 Glossary
      1. Update from Jane regarding ArB - clarity on ownership of task
    5. TSC task 321 - Define Appropriate Home/Role for Involvement Task Force

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