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(4 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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back to [[TSC Minutes and Agendas]]
{|border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"  
{|border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"  
| width="50%" colspan="2" align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''HL7 TSC Luncheon Meeting '''<br/>
| width="50%" colspan="2" align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''HL7 TSC Luncheon Meeting '''<br/>
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#[http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt IP Presentation] Review
#[http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt IP Presentation] Review
#U.S. Readiness Project
#U.S. Readiness Project
#PIC WGM Evaluation
#ArB update
#SD update
#WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links  
#WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links  
#*(September) Review TSC SWOT and Three-Year Plan  
#*(September) Review TSC SWOT and Three-Year Plan  
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'''Supporting Documents'''<br/>
'''Supporting Documents'''<br/>
#[http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt IP Presentation]
#IP Presentation - http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt
'''Minutes/Conclusions Reached:'''<br/>
'''Minutes/Conclusions Reached:'''<br/>
Call to order 12:04 PM BZT
Call to order 1:04 PM BZT
#Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)- none
#Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)- none
#Agenda review and approval  
#Agenda review and approval  
#*Helen announcement from PIC re: WGM evaluation
#*Helen announcement from PIC re: WGM evaluation
#Tooling update
#Tooling update
#*Continuing to work with the SMD, shared artifacts repository next to start.  Comment in the Board slides on V3 generator remains to be specified, but CH Infoway may be willing to work with us. Concern with graphics in Publishing was resolved today, reports Woody.
#[http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt IP Presentation] Review
#[http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt IP Presentation] Review
#*Woody discovered he is the chair of the IP subgroup of Internationalization Task Force.  He suggests we defer our further discussion of this topic to see what the task force comes up with. 2005 report was detailed but did not get published with the Board minutes. Slide deck provides the prior history and the notes provide the narration. Helen notes Charlie Bishop has asked for agenda time on International Council meeting Q3 Thursday to address some IP issues he have encountered. Woody might be able to come to the session to offer guidance. International Council will be learning about the five subgroups of the Internationalization Task Force. Charlie McCay notes frustration at not having a forum on discussion for shared IP considerations. Would the ITF IP subgroup host a session for Cambridge? Woody will check with the ITF chair, Bob Dolin. John notes that Bob and he should both be there.  TSC to formally request a session for the fall meeting.
#U.S. Readiness Project
#U.S. Readiness Project
#PIC WGM Evaluation
#*Charlie McCay wishes to address this project that Ken is leading.  A concern raised last night was regarding the bolus of activity coming towards the end of the year. Length of time from October to May is risky to fully engage in that process without a face to face meeting.  Out of cycle meeting, or delegation for weekly meetings and workshops, or what approach will be expected if many implementation guides are needed by that time.  Program management office has been sent out by RFP, and our liaison is Linda Fischetti. We'll likely hear more about it tonight at the Board meeting.  Does the TSC need to make a recommendation that the Board will support the U.S. process with out of cycle meeting(s) if needed?  Need a better understanding of what is needed before offering speculation of what we'll do or support. Charlie McCay says we should offer our services, not wait until they ask.  John says we speak with them weekly, but there is no open communication on these yet, the ONC are not ready. 
#ArB update
#*'''Motion:''' Helen moves that Charlie communicate to the Board, that should the Board wish to authorize out of cycle meetings in support of the U.S. initiatives, that the TSC supports that approach. Woody seconds.
#SD update
#*Ken says we should be putting together such a statement when we know more.  Charlie McCay says there is a lot of anxiety over the January meeting being out of the U.S. (in Sydney). It's been expressed that we should cancel the Sydney meeting, that the major work is going to happen in the U.S. during that time and will that disengage HL7 from that work? However Woody feels it is not a TSC issue, but a Board issue. Ken notes that promoting the work of a Readiness project should be enough, without starting work on an out of cycle meeting that may not happen.  Charlie Mead agrees with Woody that it is not a TSC issue, agrees with Charlie that it is a marketing issue, that HL7 Canada or Australia have meetings outside of the HL7 International schedule, with no HL7 U.S. Affiliate.
#WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links
#*Ravi notes we could recommend they support measures 'including' out of cycle meetings.  Helen believes that we should be specific.  Ken notes that the discussion from non-U.S. speakers does not recognize that the U.S. folks are continually seeking clarification from the ONC but there's nothing we can know yet. Woody says we should be nimble by notifying the Board that they don't need to come back to the TSC to check if an Out of Cycle meeting is acceptable, we would endorse it in advance.
#Adjourned hh:mm am/pm (timezone).
#*'''Vote:''' Motion carries with tally of 5 affirmative (CTO, DESD, FTSD, ARB, Affiliate)/1 negative (T3SD McCaslin)/1 abstain(SSD SD Beebe) 
#PIC WGM Evaluation: PIC has approved the questions to go to the cochairs after the WGM for survey and expect responses one per Work Group.
#ArB update:
#*Charlie Mead reports that in Q2 with Implementation and Conformance and suggested they take responsibility for developing the ECCF IG for HL7. While initially taken aback, they agreed they should do it and asked for help.
#*Ron and Charlie reviewed the first half of the peer review comments.  Patrick's comment last night was in line with one set of comments, regarding confusion on the use of the word Services.  Service awareness is about taking constructs from SOA with the paradigm of distributed computing as a design paradim.  That education will begin tomorrow. Will be working on a one page example of 'what does this look like for messaging specs'.
#SD update:
#*during DESD meeting last night it was noted that the CoChairs don't know where to find the Technical newsletter, and Ravi will pick that up as a communication issue. It's on the TSC Wiki but buried on the website.
#*FTSD discussed MOU requests going to the TSC before going to the ORC.  Helen notes we should discuss before she takes it to the ORC.
#WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links. Deferred to a conference call
#Adjourned 1:46 PM BZT.
{|border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"  
{|border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"  
|colspan="4" |'''Actions''' ''(Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)''<br/>
|colspan="4" |'''Actions''' ''(Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)''<br/>
* .
* Charlie communicate to the Board, that should the Board wish to authorize out of cycle meetings in support of the U.S. initiatives, that the TSC supports that approach.
|colspan="4" |'''Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items'''<br/>
|colspan="4" |'''Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items'''<br/>
*No meeting this coming Monday
*The following Monday is U.S. Memorial Day holiday.
*The next meeting will be the Monday following Memorial Day.

Latest revision as of 16:59, 2 June 2010

back to TSC Minutes and Agendas

HL7 TSC Luncheon Meeting

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Date: 2010-05-18
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 pm GMT-3 (local time)
Facilitator Charlie McCay Note taker(s) Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation Email Address
x Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD cbeebe@mayo.edu
x Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD woody@beelers.com
x Austin Kreisler HL7 DESD austin.j.kreisler@saic.com
x Lynn Laakso (scribe, non-voting) HL7 HQ lynn@hl7.org
x Ken McCaslin HL7 TSS SD Kenneth.H.McCaslin@QuestDiagnostics.com
x Charlie McCay (chair) HL7 TSC Chair charlie@ramseysystems.co.uk
x Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair meadch@mail.nih.gov
x Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Ravi.Natarajan@nhs.net
. Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate rparker@infoway-inforoute.ca
x John Quinn HL7 CTO jquinn@hl7.org
x Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD Alternate gregg.seppala@va.gov
x Helen Stevens HL7 TSS SD Alternate helen.stevens@shaw.ca
x Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Alternate Edward.tripp@estripp.com
x D. Mead Walker HL7 FTSD Alternate dmead@comcast.net
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes

Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval
  3. Tooling update
  4. IP Presentation Review
  5. U.S. Readiness Project
  6. PIC WGM Evaluation
  7. ArB update
  8. SD update
  9. WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links
    • (September) Review TSC SWOT and Three-Year Plan
    • (January) Review TSC Mission and Charter

Supporting Documents

  1. IP Presentation - http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1319/7228/Licensing_HL7s_IP_ReduxTranscribedNarration.ppt

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order 1:04 PM BZT

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)- none
  2. Agenda review and approval
    • Helen announcement from PIC re: WGM evaluation
  3. Tooling update
    • Continuing to work with the SMD, shared artifacts repository next to start. Comment in the Board slides on V3 generator remains to be specified, but CH Infoway may be willing to work with us. Concern with graphics in Publishing was resolved today, reports Woody.
  4. IP Presentation Review
    • Woody discovered he is the chair of the IP subgroup of Internationalization Task Force. He suggests we defer our further discussion of this topic to see what the task force comes up with. 2005 report was detailed but did not get published with the Board minutes. Slide deck provides the prior history and the notes provide the narration. Helen notes Charlie Bishop has asked for agenda time on International Council meeting Q3 Thursday to address some IP issues he have encountered. Woody might be able to come to the session to offer guidance. International Council will be learning about the five subgroups of the Internationalization Task Force. Charlie McCay notes frustration at not having a forum on discussion for shared IP considerations. Would the ITF IP subgroup host a session for Cambridge? Woody will check with the ITF chair, Bob Dolin. John notes that Bob and he should both be there. TSC to formally request a session for the fall meeting.
  5. U.S. Readiness Project
    • Charlie McCay wishes to address this project that Ken is leading. A concern raised last night was regarding the bolus of activity coming towards the end of the year. Length of time from October to May is risky to fully engage in that process without a face to face meeting. Out of cycle meeting, or delegation for weekly meetings and workshops, or what approach will be expected if many implementation guides are needed by that time. Program management office has been sent out by RFP, and our liaison is Linda Fischetti. We'll likely hear more about it tonight at the Board meeting. Does the TSC need to make a recommendation that the Board will support the U.S. process with out of cycle meeting(s) if needed? Need a better understanding of what is needed before offering speculation of what we'll do or support. Charlie McCay says we should offer our services, not wait until they ask. John says we speak with them weekly, but there is no open communication on these yet, the ONC are not ready.
    • Motion: Helen moves that Charlie communicate to the Board, that should the Board wish to authorize out of cycle meetings in support of the U.S. initiatives, that the TSC supports that approach. Woody seconds.
    • Ken says we should be putting together such a statement when we know more. Charlie McCay says there is a lot of anxiety over the January meeting being out of the U.S. (in Sydney). It's been expressed that we should cancel the Sydney meeting, that the major work is going to happen in the U.S. during that time and will that disengage HL7 from that work? However Woody feels it is not a TSC issue, but a Board issue. Ken notes that promoting the work of a Readiness project should be enough, without starting work on an out of cycle meeting that may not happen. Charlie Mead agrees with Woody that it is not a TSC issue, agrees with Charlie that it is a marketing issue, that HL7 Canada or Australia have meetings outside of the HL7 International schedule, with no HL7 U.S. Affiliate.
    • Ravi notes we could recommend they support measures 'including' out of cycle meetings. Helen believes that we should be specific. Ken notes that the discussion from non-U.S. speakers does not recognize that the U.S. folks are continually seeking clarification from the ONC but there's nothing we can know yet. Woody says we should be nimble by notifying the Board that they don't need to come back to the TSC to check if an Out of Cycle meeting is acceptable, we would endorse it in advance.
    • Vote: Motion carries with tally of 5 affirmative (CTO, DESD, FTSD, ARB, Affiliate)/1 negative (T3SD McCaslin)/1 abstain(SSD SD Beebe)
  6. PIC WGM Evaluation: PIC has approved the questions to go to the cochairs after the WGM for survey and expect responses one per Work Group.
  7. ArB update:
    • Charlie Mead reports that in Q2 with Implementation and Conformance and suggested they take responsibility for developing the ECCF IG for HL7. While initially taken aback, they agreed they should do it and asked for help.
    • Ron and Charlie reviewed the first half of the peer review comments. Patrick's comment last night was in line with one set of comments, regarding confusion on the use of the word Services. Service awareness is about taking constructs from SOA with the paradigm of distributed computing as a design paradim. That education will begin tomorrow. Will be working on a one page example of 'what does this look like for messaging specs'.
  8. SD update:
    • during DESD meeting last night it was noted that the CoChairs don't know where to find the Technical newsletter, and Ravi will pick that up as a communication issue. It's on the TSC Wiki but buried on the website.
    • FTSD discussed MOU requests going to the TSC before going to the ORC. Helen notes we should discuss before she takes it to the ORC.
  9. WGM Planning - agenda setting next two WGMs - agenda links. Deferred to a conference call
  10. Adjourned 1:46 PM BZT.
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Charlie communicate to the Board, that should the Board wish to authorize out of cycle meetings in support of the U.S. initiatives, that the TSC supports that approach.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • No meeting this coming Monday
  • The following Monday is U.S. Memorial Day holiday.
  • The next meeting will be the Monday following Memorial Day.