2012-08-27 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2012-08-27
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Austin Kreisler x Charlie Mead . Ravi Natarajan .
x John Quinn x Ron Parker regrets Giorgio Cangioli
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Ed Tripp x Woody Beeler regrets Calvin Beebe x Freida Hall
x Mead Walker x Tony Julian x Pat van Dyke x Patrick Loyd
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Don Mon (HL7 Chair) w/vote . Jean Duteau . obs1 x Lynn Laakso
. Bob Dolin (Vice Chair) vote x Melva Peters . obs2 x Don Lloyd
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote x Andy Stechishin . . x Dave Hamill



  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2012-08-20 TSC Call Agenda


  1. Approval items:
  2. Discussion topics:


  1. Review action items
  2. Approval items:
  3. Discussion topics:
    • 390 so far, above last year's 333 at this time. Total registration was 454 for Sept 2011.
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  5. Review WGM Agenda at 2012-09-08_TSC_WGM_Agenda

Supporting Documents

  • See links


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order 11:04 AM EDT


  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) Andy and Melva guests, Don and Dave from HQ
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler; switch order to accommodate Pat early departure. Switch ArB presentation on BAM with Datatypes R2b discussion. Approved by general consent
  3. Approve Minutes of 2012-08-20 TSC Call Agenda; unanimously approved.


  1. Review action items
  2. Approval items:
    • Request for out of cycle ballot to delay open from 8/27 to 9/27 for HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Quality Data Model (QDM)-based Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF), Release 1 for SDWG at Project Insight #756, and TSC Tracker # 2348. Ballot was initially scheduled to open today. No reason apparent for the request of the delay. Austin suggested that it might slide to the next ballot cycle? Andy notes that their time frame is needed before the next ballot cycle, by end of the calendar year. Pat will reach out to Crystal and see if there's a rationale. Austin asks Don about complications with the ballot opening late. Close on October 27th as a Saturday so probably hold to October 29th. Next ballot opens December 3rd so no overlap. Main issue is voter confusion. While Don received a package of content on Friday, it was followed by this request. Motion: Woody moves approval, and Mead seconds the postponement of one month. Austin is concerned about receiving these requests on the date of ballot open.
      • Vote: unanimously approved.
    • Results of e-vote: all four items passed 5/0/0.
    • Project Scope Statement for HL7 Tooling Challenge, at Project Insight # 913 and TSC Tracker # 2336 for Tooling WG of T3SD.
  3. Discussion topics:
    • 390 so far, above last year's 333 at this time. Total registration was 454 for Sept 2011.
  4. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  5. Review WGM Agenda at 2012-09-08_TSC_WGM_Agenda
    • Jane will moderate the Risk assessment discussion.
    • TSC SWOT as input to Risk Assessment may be reviewed on Saturday rather than Tuesday.
    • Tuesday lunch may also be invitation to WG's not posting minutes to discuss their plans.
    • Datatypes issue will need to be inserted somewhere. Austin invites others to suggest topics.
    • International affiliate representation is at risk with potential personal conflict of Giorgio's. Jean is doing the FHIR Connectathon and would not be available. Andy will not be in Baltimore at the WGM. Melva replies she will be in Baltimore. Austin warns her we may have to call upon her to take a voting role as an ad-hoc during her attendance at the TSC meetings as international representative.
    • Straw Poll for quorum yields no other regrets.


  1. Approval items:
  2. Discussion topics:
    • ArB HL7 Business Architecture Model (HL7 BAM) preview presentation (Charlie, 20 minutes) at TSC Tracker # 2326
    • (continued) V3 R2 Datatypes backwards compatibility - see 'Datatypes R2B discussion paper' by Lloyd McKenzie
      • Next steps: make a ruling, or move forward with formation of governance group for V3? Woody feels that such governance will need constraint to effective areas of V3 messaging or will get sidetracked into defining "what is V3". Austin feels that setting those boundaries in the governance group may form that distinction already. Mead notes we need to make a statement of what happens in the interim for DT models. Will the priorities be to set statement on datatypes before it sets position on what constitutes V3? Austin's concern is lack of representation for affiliate representatives both today and in Baltimore. Freida reminds that there was interest in fleshing out the paper to list pros and cons - Austin would like the task force to do so. Woody feels we need to articulate the options especially "fully backwards compatible". Ed would like to see a task force address this issue first, then move to defining the governance structure. Woody suggests surveying the affiliates on usage of ISO datatypes on Sunday. We'll discuss at the WGM Saturday meeting to form the task force. If R2B is the course, there is a significant delay as we wait for it to go through normative ballot. Quickest route (current state) is to publish using normative DT R2. Please share thoughts on this to the email list prior to the Baltimore meeting.

Adjourned 12:04 PM EDT

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items


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