2012-03-05 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2012-03-05
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Austin Kreisler x Charlie Mead x Ravi Natarajan . Helen Stevens
x John Quinn x Ron Parker . open
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Ed Tripp . Woody Beeler x Calvin Beebe x Freida Hall
x Mead Walker x Tony Julian regrets Pat Van Dyke regrets Patrick Loyd
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Don Mon (HL7 Board Chair) voting x Ken McCaslin, TSC SI Dashbd PF x Brian Pech x Lynn Laakso
. Bob Dolin (HL7 Vice Chair) vote . . . .
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . tba . . .


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2012-02-27 TSC Call Agenda
  4. Review action items
  5. Approval items:
  6. Discussion topics:
    • Harmonization metric for Work Group Health - what other WGH metric should be devised for those WGs not involved with Harmonization to support Strategic Initiatives
    • Strategic Initiatives TSC Dashboard - review the draft metrics and determine exactly how we count them
  7. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • Announcement of Normative publication request submitted for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Dispense and Supply Event, Release 1, for Pharmacy WG of DESD. Congratulations to the Pharmacy Work Group!
  8. Open Issues List

Supporting Documents

  • See links


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order 11:05 AM EST

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) Brian Pech is observing
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler. No changes identified.
  3. Approve Minutes of 2012-02-27 TSC Call Agenda. Unanimously approved.
  4. Review action items
  5. Approval items:
    • Tabled Motion: Approve project scope statement for CG of DESD: Extending the project "CDA Implementation Guide for Genetic Testing Reports" at Project Insight # 460, TSC Tracker # 2192.
      • Motion Withdrawn. Steering Division co-chairs should note that they should check on what is changing on a scope change; could have identified this earlier by asking what was changing in the scope of the project.
    • Motion: Approve Work Group Dissolution Request for Government Projects of DESD, at TSC Tracker # 2193. Ed describes the background of the request. Calvin asks if they have existing standards to be transitioned; they have none, and their existing project will go to EHR WG.
    • Vote: Unanimously approved
    • Motion: Approve DSTU extension request for Patient Care of DESD: Care Provision: Allergy and Intolerance Release 1 at TSC Tracker # 2195, and Project Insight #174. Austin notes that they've had one extension on this already. There is a project in flight for the revision of this material. There was perception that a DSTU could only be extended once, and the current GOM no longer prescribes the number of extensions. Ed notes that there was a ballot they initiated due to that limitation earlier. Neither Lynn nor John remembers which version of the GOM that revision was in. Ravi asks if the GOM is not clear should we investigate? Austin notes that where the GOM is not clear we do have the ability to set policy. Calvin suggests we check if the GOM change was an intended change, in deference to this request and in the interest of consistency. Freida offers to send a query to the GOC on the history of that change. Motion Tabled
    • Mead joins the call.
    • Motion: Approve project scope statement for Common Product Model Update, sponsored by O&O of SSD SD and cosponsored by Pharmacy and RCRIM WG's of DESD, at Project Insight #858, TSC Tracker # 2198. Mead notes that this project will bring in drug stability messaging. Focus is on a new set of normative CMETs.
    • Vote: Unanimously approved
    • Motion: Approve Informative publication request for EHR WG of SSD SD: HL7 EHR-S Vital Records Functional Profile, Release 1 - US Realm at TSC Tracker # 2202, and Project Insight #223. Austin notes that under the new rules, published as informative, this will be part of publicly-available IP.
    • Vote: Unanimously approved
    • Motion: Approve DSTU Publication Request for HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2 - Level 3: Healthcare Associated Infection Reports, Release 7, by Structured Documents Work Group (SDWG) of SSD SD, for 24 months at Project Insight # 319, TSC Tracker 2205. Lynn asks if this is additive or cumulative; Austin thinks that while the scope over time has changed incrementally, the publications have been cumulative so this should incorporate all the previous material. It is one single document that has been added to over time. He further notes that vendors have implemented different versions over time and the CDC wants to support each release. A discussion needs to be conducted (offline) with bringing the implementation guide normative and taking the older versions off the DSTU website. ACTION ITEM: Austin will discuss with Dan Pollock (the HAI project facilitator) bringing the implementation guide normative and taking the older versions off the DSTU website and report back next week.
    • Vote: Unanimously approved
  6. Discussion topics:
    • Harmonization metric for Work Group Health - what other WGH metric should be devised for those WGs not involved with Harmonization to support Strategic Initiatives; if no alternate metrics are proposed, then the existing metric stands based on the prior vote in San Antonio. Austin reminds the groups that Harmonization is next week. Ron noted discussion was about WG's perceived 'need' to participate and feeling unfairly penalized. Problem might be a re-framing of what harmonization is going to look like, going forward as historically it was very RIM-focused. Austin adds that the addition of pattern harmonization, more than just informational model pattern but functional model patterns, behavioral model patterning etc is an important change. Ron thinks that some communication will be important of what that refined definition of what harmonization is going to be. Calvin's concern last week was Woody would find people coming who are not vested in the process, and we may need a value proposition for what the broader participation will contribute. John notes that Woody is indeed missing from this discussion, and the history of harmonization to reduce confusion in balloting. ACTION ITEM: Austin will ask MnM and Vocab to put the communication of roles in broader participation it on the agenda as a topic of discussion next week.
    • Strategic Initiatives TSC Dashboard - review the draft metrics and determine exactly how we count them
      • Wiki page reviewed. Mead volunteers to work with Ken on his assignment of industry responsiveness and easier implementation, specifically regarding identification of specific projects that are of importance to a particular strategic initiative. He adds that you must take care that whatever you're measuring on a dashboard actually measures what you mean it to, and measuring progress of certain projects as representative of a strategic measure like this may not be appropriate.
      • Austin reminds that all the TSC SD members are also on the SI committee and as it reviews the Strategic Initiatives for the coming year, if they change too much we won't be able to develop dashboard metrics in a timely manner to keep up with the Initiatives.
      • Calvin reviews the Product Quality measures Woody produced and noted that a recent IG they produced needed sample XML examples. Discussion ensued on the difficulty to evaluate these by having to crack each item open to see what's inside.
      • Ken joins the call. In review of the TSC's attempt at an SI dashboard, he notes that other WGs are also trying to develop dashboards; he proposes that each measure of a dashboard has to be a project in Project Insight, otherwise there will be more manual work required to capture data. Mead suggests we determine the measure first before we figure how we'll automate it. Ken's concern is finding a framework that works for multiple dashboards. Austin feels that the criteria we're developing are not going to be convenient for measurement by projects, but more by Work Group Health methods. If it is publishable by methods similar to WGH, he'd be satisfied; it doesn't have to be plugged in to Project Insight. Mead suggests that measuring things by counting items in Project Insight is not a bad measure. SAIF Architecture Program components are one way to measure in Project Insight, but cross-artifact consistency may not be measurable in PI. Ken notes that Work Group Effectiveness, and Product Quality measurements are going to be more complicated. There are still some pieces not easily measurable we need to figure out. Dashboards may have to conform to a certain style to be publishable. Austin notes that PDF or Excel has been acceptable so far for WGH. Ken would like to be able to automate where you can so that you are not dependent on individuals to contribute content. Ken will get together with Patrick and Mead and come back with further recommendations on SI TSC Dashboard. We'll schedule another discussion in a couple of weeks.
  7. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • Announcement of Normative publication request submitted for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Dispense and Supply Event, Release 1, for Pharmacy WG of DESD. Congratulations to the Pharmacy Work Group!

Adjourned 11:58 AM EST

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Austin will discuss with Dan Pollock (the HAI project facilitator) bringing the implementation guide normative and taking the older versions off the DSTU website and report back next week.
  • Austin will ask MnM and Vocab to put the communication of roles in broader participation it on the agenda as a topic of discussion next week
  • Ken will get together with Patrick and Mead and come back with further recommendations on SI TSC Dashboard
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items