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==== Establishment of Meeting / Conference Call Schedule====
<p>SSD Co-chairs,</p>  
<p>SSD Co-chairs,</p>  

Revision as of 18:33, 7 April 2008

SSD Steering Group

Minutes of March 13, 2008

Calvin BeebeMayo Cliniccbeebe@mayo.edu
Gregg SeppalaVHAGregg.seppala@va.gov
Kathleen ConnorFoxkathleen.connor@foxsys.com
Hans BuitendijkSiemenshans.buitendijk@siemens.com
John RitterIntel Corporation, Digital Health Groupjohn.ritter@intel.com
Jane FoardMcKessonJane.Foard@McKesson.com
Pat Van DykeDelta Dental Plans Associationvandykp@odscompanies.com
Matt SailorsThe Methodist HospitalMSailors@tmhs.org


SSD Co-chairs,

Please review the updated Project Proposal for the PHR-to-PHR Project Proposal and indicate your vote on the following Project Proposal. As requested at the Structure and Semantic Design Steering Division on Feb. 15, 2008, a number of revisions were made and are indicated in Red in the following word document and we would now like to conduct a vote via e-mail on this proposal.

Motion to approve the revised PHR-to-PHR Project Proposal. Abstain: 0 Approve: 8 Against: 0 Motion Passed

Comment recieved from John Ritter:

I would also like to offer a proposed clarification to section "3. Project Scope": "... and the international affiliates." SHOULD BE "... and non-U.S. stakeholders." [Rationale: The HL7 International Affiliates are only a subset of all HL7 stakeholders worldwide.]

John Ritter; EHR TC co-chair