2018-04-09 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

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TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2018-04-09
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Austin Kreisler x Tony Julian x Jean Duteau x John Roberts, GOM Expert
x Wayne Kubick x Lorraine Constable x Giorgio Cangioli x Ken McCaslin
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
Regrets Melva Peters x Russ Hamm x Austin Kreisler . Andy Stechishin
x Floyd Eisenberg . Paul Knapp x Mary Kay McDaniel x Sandra Stuart
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Calvin Beebe (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 . Anne Wizauer
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 .

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  1. Housekeeping
    1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    2. Agenda review and approval -
    3. Approve Minutes of 2018-04-02 TSC Call Agenda
    4. TSC members coming to Cologne?
    5. Cologne agenda topics
  2. Review action items
    1. Wayne to send a request to Da Vinci requesting a formal communication/coordination plan
  3. Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
    1. Review/Approval of V2 Management Group Mission and Charter at TSC Tracker 15873
      • Referred by ARB: Anne will display Tony's email comments
  4. Approval items for this week:
    1. TBD
  5. Discussion topics:
    1. Implementation of TSC essentialism steering division changes
      • MOTION to accept changes as outlined: Ken/
    2. Review of Lloyd's JIRA balloting testing and communication plan
    3. Withdrawal template - continued discussion: Lynn Laakso
    4. Review of Ken's edited DMP document - Ken McCaslin - will review on 2018-04-23
  6. Open Issues List/Parking Lot
    1. Ensuring IG consistency - sent to ARB
    2. Review FHIR artifact governance process - referred to SGB
    3. Revised Da Vinci PSS and Powerpoint
      • US Realm didn't approve it yet because they wanted TSC feedback. Will consider if/when an updated PSS returns to TSC
    4. Using the NIB as normative notification instead of PSS
    5. Review wording of reconciliation instructions for comment ballots
    6. How management groups document, enforce, and manage the precepts regarding inter-WG participation in artifact creation
    7. Management groups must establish in writing a refinement of examples that adhere to the definition of substantive change that apply to their product family. Must monitor, audit, and measure conformance to the definition of substantive change
    8. Managing unresponsive parties in PSS approval process
    9. Co-chair meeting facilitator training issues
    10. Interest/User Groups
    11. GOM updates
      • Including STU extensions
    12. Introducing external projects
    13. Communicating HTA coordination process to WGs
    14. FHIR issues


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    2. Agenda review and approval -
      • Lorraine: Should we recruit for an interim cochair for SSD-SD
    3. Approve Minutes of 2018-04-02 TSC Call Agenda
      • Approved via general consent
    4. TSC members coming to Cologne?
      • It is unlikely that Austin will be able to attend. May be able to join by phone/GTM.
      • Others unable to attend: Andy, Jean, Tony. Russ will know shortly.
    5. Cologne agenda topics
      • If members want to see a particular topic on the agenda, let Austin know. Lorraine: We should discuss structure around management council. Another topic would be an update on Wayne's technology roadmap and tooling.
  2. Review action items
    1. Wayne to send a request to Da Vinci requesting a formal communication/coordination plan
      • The EC agreed on the template for the SOU and it is being circulated to the participants. Wayne did send in a request for the communication plan.
        • ACTION: Add review of plan to parking lot
  3. Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
    1. Review/Approval of V2 Management Group Mission and Charter at TSC Tracker 15873
      • Referred by ARB: Anne will display Tony's email comments
        • Most of the issues are problems with the boilerplate. One fix with a bullet that references "Product family" instead of Version 2.
          • MOTION to approve with update to bullet to add Version 2: Tony/Sandy
          • VOTE: All in favor
            • ACTION: SGB/PLA to review boilerplate
  4. Approval items for this week:
    1. TBD
  5. Discussion topics:
    1. Implementation of TSC essentialism steering division changes
      • Reviewed document with changes. Devices and OO will stay where they were.
        • MOTION to accept changes as outlined: Ken/Jean
          • ACTION: SDs should look at their M&Cs and make updates in Cologne.
          • ACTION: Ken to reach out to DJ regarding website/listserves and make slide for cochair dinner
          • ACTION: Anne to send to Karen/DJ for website updates
          • ACTION: Austin to send email to cochair list regarding the rollout of the changes.
          • ACTION: Add to Monday night agenda
        • VOTE: All in favor
    2. Review of Lloyd's JIRA balloting testing and communication plan
      • Andy: This is missing the communication plan aspect. There is a description of testing but no test plan. Austin: Should we request a project manager to work on this? Group agrees this needs a full plan, rollout, testing, etc. Should include usability analysis.
        • ACTION: Wayne to discuss TSC comments with Lloyd
        • ACTION: TSC members should go in and add comments
    3. Withdrawal template - continued discussion: Lynn Laakso
      • Lynn is unavailable today
    4. Review of Ken's edited DMP document - Ken McCaslin - will review on 2018-04-23
    5. Parking lot issues for Cologne:
      • FHIR issues - add to agenda
      • HTA coordination
        • ACTION: Wayne to discuss with HTA
      • Introducing external/massive projects
        • Wayne/Calvin/Austin to discuss
      • GOM updates/STU extension updates
        • ACTION: John to look at updates that were made and analyze where things are at.
      • Interest/User Groups
        • Leave in parking lot
      • Cochair meeting facilitator training issues
        • Ken to reach out to see if it should be a Monday evening topic
      • Managing unresponsive parties in PSS approval process
        • Hope was that Confluence would help. Will evaluate for Cologne.
      • Substantive change/management group responsibilities
        • Leave in parking lot
      • How management groups document, enforce and manage the precepts regarding inter-WG participation in artifact creation:
        • ACTION: Add to Monday night agenda in update from SGB
  6. Adjourned at 11:03 AM Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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