FTSD - Foundation & Technology Steering Division
November 13th, 2007
Meeting Information
- Woody Beeler
- Ken McCasling
- Ioana Singureanu
- Scott Robertson
- Tony Julian
- Ted Klein
- (05 min) Roll Call
- (05 min) Accept/Change Agenda
Oct. 30th meeting did not accomplish quorum and we discussed the Project Approval process.
- (15 min) Discuss the responsibility for HDF process (operational vs. development)
Product/Project Lifecycle Committee will be replaced with Project Services Committee. The new committee will be responsible primarily for operational/approval processes rather than development processes. The current HDF focuses on defining standard development processes and artifacts. More work is needed to specify artifacts. The new Product/Project Lifecycle Committee may be interested documenting approval processes rather than development processes.
- (15 min) Harmonization Process
Ioana Singureanu will document the current process based on the harmonization information. Currently, the change requests for harmonizations are Vocabulary (universal or local) change proposals, Structural vocab, and RIM change proposals. The proposals are manually filtered by Woody from the listserv for harmonization and assigned to be resolved based on the type of proposal ("assign order in the spreadsheet"). A proposal may change substantially during the harmonization meeting. The committee steward must agree with updates to requirements or other areas of the proposal. The proposals are resolved during the meeting and a solution is drafted. The resolution is approved by the assembled "harmonization board" assembled ad-hoc in person and over the phone. The ARB is not involved.
- (15 min) Infrastructure Release
HL7 V3 artifacts are supposed to be backwards-compatible. Wrappers, in particular, are not backwards-compatible. Since he is responsible for the normative edition, Woody would like to make sure a) that changes are kept backwards-compatible and b) if they occur in both wrappers and datatypes, the impact is minimized by ensuring that they coincide.
Action items
- M&M TC to define its position on responsibility for artifacts and process definitions in the HDF
- Vocabulary TC will have call to define their artifacts and HDF updates. The content of the documents currently available at www.valuesets.org will be added to the HDF. Ioana Singureanu is the point-of-contact/editor for the HDF.
- Both committees (M&M and Vocab) will report back in two weeks regarding their planned participation to the HDF
- Scott Robertson to discuss the INM the issue of backwards compatibility and try to keep the disruptions at a minimum. Changes that are not backwards-compatible may need to be approved by the TSC or SD. This is intended to provide adequate oversight of significant improvements that are not backwards-compatible and therefore disruptive to V3 uptake efforts.