T3F - Transitional Technical Task Force
Beeler, Blobel, Buitendijk, Case, McCay, Quinn, Walker, Parker, Hamil, McCaslin (Lorenzi)
Preliminary Agenda
- (05 min) Roll Call, Accept agenda, Minute approval
- (20 min) Motion with regard to CTO/TCO (unanimous as modified)
- (10 min) [Request from TSC] Discuss status of "ISO Data Types" DSTU released in current ballot cycle.
InM procedural - at WGM or shortly thereafter, understood that ITS SIG was authorized to put forward the Notice to Ballot (Grieve is an InM Co-Chair) Name change was subsequent to InM meeting. Format requirement was not noticed. Arose in InM Meeting yesterday, where there was no one to respond to the concerns. Concern that wrapper document referenced the guide. This was in error.
Issues - format, due process, Wiki-pages
Core issue would not be either format or the Wiki reference
Process issue - Recommend that this continue as a DSTU - should not be a surprise to any one; it was "announced" On Sunday before WGM in International Collaboration Mtg; it has been circulated "global" voting by CEN and ISO; but leave final decision to InM. Ask HQ to not take final action until InM has chance to reconsider. Phrase as motion - Made by Lorenzi, McCay
A five minute in the Intro Genl sessions for T3F, T-Steering Comm. By us - prepare
Craig to determine schedule of meeting rooms at WGM
Project Life-Cycle questions --
- (05 min) Meeting logistics for Cologne
- (20 min) Follow-up on action items from last week